Is there a possibility for CAPTCHA and 2-factor authentication?
There is the possibility of setting 2-factor authentication as CAPTCHA as initially accessing the platform. For accounts and clients using only the Business Messenger campaign tool there is an option and also users accessing the SMS Platform. However, there is no need for users to have any of these two options since access rights are defined in the security application for each user.
What type or brand is used for Horisen front and backend protection?
Protection that is used for these purposes is Openbsd 6.3 security operating system.
What is the host and port for new interconnections and do you support SSL?
Our platform supports SSL, for the configuration of this service you would need the assistance of our IT support team. IP addresses with hosts and ports are given to you in the onboarding process with a complete explanation which should be used in order to successfully interconnect with your partners.
How can I create a user in the Security app that has access rights like admin?
In the first step of developing the platform, there are users that would be created from our side as your platform provider. These users are created and their access is based on your request. In this process, some of the users would be created with the access point as admins. Of course, you will be able, once given access to the platform, to create your own users, and admins in this case would have all roles added to have permission to see all data on the platform.
What are the permissions that need to be granted to the customer to provide them access only to their statistics? Also, will the Horisen team be the one who creates the user on the system?
This action should be done from the Security app. You will have full access to the Security application meaning that you will create your users. We, however, could assist you on creating them.
To give your user access as a customer who can see their statistics, you will have groups on the Security application named (Platform owner name) Customer or (Platform owner name) Supplier. In these groups roles and permissions would be already prepared and adding users to this group will give them access to see only Statistics, Finance balance and the Price list they are using from your platform. Another important part is giving permission to Business Partners application, Resources of their own company and Biz Core member role. Like this, they will see only data they are generating on your platform.
Can I reset a user's password from the security app if the “forgot password” option doesn’t work?
There is no option to see nor change the password of the user from this application because, besides the user, no one can access or see their password. The next step that you have is to contact our platform support.
What is the difference between these statuses in the Security application: Active, Disabled, Unverified, Invited ?
- Active - user has activated the account, and is ready to use the platform.
- Disabled - user is disabled and can not log to the platform until it is enabled again.
- Invited - user account has been created, an invitation sent, but still the user hasn’t created an account (hasn’t finished the form still).
- Unverified - When the form is populated and the activation email is sent by the system and the user didn’t do the last step (to verify from the activation link received on the email).